List of products by brand Unipower

Unipower (

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Unipower is a world-leading company in power electronics, energy conversion systems, and power supplies, with over 25 years of experience.

Unipower solutions include a complete line of rectifiers, inverters, and high-efficiency DC power supply systems.

Unipower products undergo final checks and tests, to ensure reliability and quality of the product for the customer.

In addition to finished products, Unipower offers customers the ability to customize products according to their own needs, providing customer support in over 60 countries.

Unipower company facilities are certified according to ISO9001 quality standards.

Unipower products can be applied in various sectors: in the telecommunications sector, in the medical sector, in the energy sector, in the industrial sector.

ALIMENTATORISHOP ( Srl) is an authorized distributor for Unipower products.

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