Delivery and Shipping

Where is my order located?

You can view the status of your order, the estimated delivery date, and the tracking number in the details of each order on the page My Orders.
You will also receive an update via email every time your order changes status and when it is shipped.
If your order shows the status "Shipped - Completed", you will also find the tracking link. Don't worry if the shipping number is not immediately available, it will become active within two working days.

Please note that couriers do not deliver by appointment and there is no phone contact.

Which courier do you use for shipments?

All our shipments are traceable and sent with TNT Express.
In some situations we also ship with BRT and GLS.

Is it possible to change the shipping address?

During the order phase it is possible to select a shipping address in case it differs from the billing address.

If you have already placed an order and want to change the delivery address, contact us.

I am a company, where can I enter billing information?

Billing data is managed as 'addresses' and are not requested during site registration.

To enter them, you can proceed to checkout and select the option 'The billing address differs from the delivery address'.

By doing so, you will be able to enter details such as company name, VAT number, PEC or unique code.

What are the shipping times?

The times vary depending on the availability and type of product.
You can find an estimate of the delivery date on the product page. You will find the same information during the ordering phase and you can check the delivery date in the order details on the page My Orders.