Returns and Refunds

When and how will I receive my refund?

If you have made a return, the refund will be issued within 10 working days of our receipt of your return.
Shipping costs and discount vouchers used will not be refunded.
You will receive your refund directly to the payment method you used when ordering (Credit Card, Bank Transfer).

How do I make a return?

You can make a return within 30 days of receiving your order if you purchased as a private customer.
You can submit a return request by contacting us via email or through the contact forms, or from the My Orders page.

Once you have received our authorization for the return and the related case number, you can proceed with the shipment of the material.
The choice of carrier and the related costs are your responsibility.

PayPal, my payment is pending.

Don't worry, the payment has been successfully received by us, even if PayPal indicates it as pending.

The transaction will be automatically collected and 'unlocked' once the goods are shipped.

Are my data safe on

At we are committed to respecting the rules of data management and conservation as required by the GDPR and ourprivacy policy, there is nothing to worry about.

What do I do if I have received a damaged or defective product?

If you have received a faulty or defective product, you can send us a detailed description of the problem via email or through the contact form, and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

I requested to return some products but I changed my mind, what do I do?

If you have changed your mind and no longer intend to make any products, you just need to contact us and inform us of your decision.

Is it possible to make a return without the original box or packaging?

Returned products must be as good as new, must not show signs of use or scratches, and must be returned in their original packaging and complete with all accessories.
Do not apply adhesive tape or shipping labels directly to the original product boxes.

Can I replace it?

Certainly, it is possible to replace the items, as long as they comply with thereturn policies.
You will simply need to follow the standard return procedure, once the material is received and verified, we will issue a credit that you can use to order the correct products.